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By Nyana Kakoma | May 27th, 2014

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Last week, Bwesigire bwa Mwesigire talked to us about CACE, writing competitions and why we should read. This time, he tells us what we must know about the upcoming Writivism Festival.

1. When and where will the Festival take place?

The Festival will take place at the National Theatre in Kampala, from June 18 to June 22, 2014. Five whole days.

2. What should I look forward to as a writer and as a reader?

For the writers, there will be a workshop and a number of master classes for you. We shall announce the winner of the 2014 Writivism Short Story Prize from the long list at the Festival. You will meet fellow writers from all over the continent, including the most talked about contemporary writers. You can also come and sell your books.

Did I mention that David Godwin, one of the most prolific literary agents the world has to offer, will be at the Festival? I think writers should be interested in meeting him and attending his master class.

For the readers, there will be books; old and new. Come and buy..or win as we shall have a number of promotions and small competitions where readers shall win themselves books. You will also get to meet your favourite writers and have them autograph your copy of their book. You will be able to participate in panel discussions and share your opinion about things you found in some book and hear from other readers. If you have a book club, there are specific festival products for you and if you do not have a book club, come and meet other readers and maybe you will form one.

We shall also have a book signing at Aristoc Booklex on Saturday June 21 where you can come and meet the authors and have a brief chat with them.

3. How can I be a part of it?

Just come to the National Theatre, from June 18 to June 22. Some sessions at the Festival will be open to only a select number of people, so we shall open up an online sign-up on the Writivism website around June 1. Most of the other events will be free, one just needs to find their way to National Theatre, and carry some pocket change for some events that shall have a participation fee, but most will be free.

4. Anything for children?

We shall have a very active children’s corner. Oscar Ranzo will be there with his instant reading workshops for children, and we shall also have a Children’s Writing Competition, whose prizes have been generously offered by Jackee Batanda’s Success Spark.

5. How do you plan to interest non-book lovers?

Books do not bite. This lesson will be important at the Festival. Besides books, we shall also be screening the World Cup at the Festival. We shall have dance performances and a five-day food exhibition where you can discover Uganda’s culinary pleasures. We shall have comedy, drama and even flash theatre, film screenings and exhibitions. There is something for everyone, book-lover and non-book lover alike.

 Sooo… see you there?

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  1. […] Kintu which won the Kwani? Manuscript Project last year. This will take place during the upcoming Writivism Festival at National […]

  2. […] which won the Kwani? Manuscript Project last year. This will take place during the upcoming Writivism Festival at National […]

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