She woke up at 5am.
Her salt stained lips reminded her of the night before.
Gently, she touched her face and there it was- evidence of a heart breaking.
Now what?
What next?
Her dream had died even before it had begun.
By way of text, in the blink of an eye, she had to say bye.
There was nothing she could do.
Or was there?
They were both Christians, after all.
Didn’t they believe in hope at all cost?
Didn’t they believe in faith at all times?
Or were faith and hope reserved for spiritual things?
There is a list.
There is a list that detailed where she went wrong.
And it was not a short list.
The mirror still doesn’t hold its usual appeal.
Sad eyes now stare back at their own reflection.
A reflection she can no longer look at.
Now what?
What next?
Do I hope like a fool for a heart that has already moved on?
Do I have faith in an ideal that has caused me nothing but heartache?
Do I just go to sleep and never wake up?
Where is hope?
Where is faith?
Or are they only reserved for spiritual things?
Daphyn Rwabwera is a writer trying to find her feet. This is one of her first pieces.
Photo Credit: I am super happy to introduce our new partner, Darlyne Komukama. I admire Darlyne so much for being such an ardent reader and a great, self-taught photographer. Check out her photo blog here: http://darlkomphotography.tumblr.com/
Find her on Twitter: darlkomu
I agree with you. Hope and Faith are hard to come by for unbelievers!