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By Nyana Kakoma | November 21st, 2014

6 months final


Can you tell? Can you really?  Can you tell that I could not wait to celebrate our six months milestone? You got me! I have been so excited that last month I brought out the confetti only to realise that it was only five months then. I tucked away the confetti but I did a little dance anyway. You wonder what I’ll do when this baby turns 18 and is legal? I wonder too.

I would like to thank you for reading, for sharing, for commenting and being excited about Sooo Many Stories (#SmsUg). I am very happy that I did not give up on this blog after two weeks and I am happy to see where it is now and where it is going.

I want to thank all the writers that have trusted me with their work and people who have agreed to meet me and have interviews! Darlyne, Echwalu: thank you for lending us your genius and adding loads of Ugandan-ness here.


Names final


And because we are growing, one of the things I would like to add is the Submission Guidelines page. I have been getting questions on who should submit and when they should. I hope these guidelines help to clear this. This is the page the writers need to look at and you, reader/book club member, must read for that book review you have been dying to do.

Here you go:

We publish all genres of literature, as long as the story is great and well told. Poems are open-themed as well.

All submissions must be in English save for proverbs, legends, myths, riddles and folktales that can be submitted in our local languages with their translations. Kindly make sure that basic spellings and grammatical rules are adhered to.

All submissions must be previously unpublished. Exception will be given to reprints as long as the writer has the rights to it and the story is not accessible on another website.

Read the rest of the rules here: Submission Guidelines.

Also, you have three more days to take part in our giveaway. Go on and tell us: If you could create an African Superhero, what name would you give him/her/it and what would they be able to do?

Thanks again for writing,  reading and sharing!



  1. Kangye David Benon
    November 21, 2014           Reply

    Six months and growing stronger. Well done Nyana.

    1. Thanks, Kangye! Thanks for reading!

      November 21, 2014           Reply

      What a six months it has been for me, Nyana. You are simply a blessing. Thumbs up. And God bless you!

      1. Thank you, Musinguzi!

  2. Thanks for the reminder, been thinking of my superhero … And congrats!

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