Selima and the Snake | Bob G. Kisiki
August 15th, 2014
There once lived a young man in a distant […]
Dialogue Over The Twilight Zone (Ebony & Ivory) | Moses Muyanja Kyeyune
August 6th, 2014
EBONY: SING, sing Ivory, inspire my night in Music. Throw […]
Why The Chicken Crossed The Road | Mark Gordon Musinguzi
July 17th, 2014
Just the other day my nephew, now four Asked me, […]
One day some day will be this day | Jason Ntaro
July 11th, 2014
In my home, legal lies are scripted by the legal […]
Chandler and Frasier: Kampala’s Most Wanted | Ernest Bazanye (a novel excerpt)
July 4th, 2014
“Well done.” “What?” The old woman continued to smile broadly, […]
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